Victory for National Grid Workers of United Steel Workers Local 12012 and 12003
1,250 National Grid Steelworkers were locked out of their jobs for six months. After so many months of hard struggle, they ratified a new contract, ending the lockout and making significant gains.
Mazel tov to the courageous United Steel Workers of Locals 12012 and 12003. The JLC is proud to have stood with them.
Victory for Marriott workers after six weeks of striking!
The New England JLC is proud to have stood on the picket lines with the Marriott Hotel workers, who fought hard on strike for nearly six weeks to win a fair contract that will protect livable wages and scheduling, and will also include better sexual harassment protections, paid parental leave, and other improvements in working conditions.
The JLC worked tirelessly to effectively spread the message to every corner of the Jewish community not to cross the picket line, and mobilized people in our network to march with striking workers.
Tufts Dining Workers Vote YES to a Union!
About 150 dining hall workers joined UNITE HERE Local 26 after an overwhelming vote in favor of unionization: 127 to 19. Following the NLRB vote, Tufts University dining hall workers are members of UNITE HERE Local 26 and can begin negotiating their first contract with Tufts.
Earlier this April, 500 students joined workers as they formally announced their union, demanding recognition from Tufts University. JLC was able to do play a great role by working to put pressure on the university by connecting local organizations with the campaign, supporting student organizing, and showing up to solidarity actions.
UNITE HERE Local 26 Harvard University Dining Services Strike
After a three week long strike, Harvard dining workers settled their contract with the Harvard University on October 25, 2016. After months of negotiations, over 700 Harvard University Dining Services (HUDS) workers represented by UNITE HERE Local 26 went on strike at 6AM on October 5, 2016. HUDS workers' new contract meets all of their demands: a $35,000 per year base salary for full-time workers, no increases in healthcare costs, and more opportunities for year-round work. For more on the contract, please the WBUR interview with Brian Lang here.
The NE JLC was active in supporting HUDS workers throughout their fight. We joined workers on the picket line, rallied, and supported students organizing in solidarity with workers. NE JLC Campus Initiative Fellow Grace Evans and former Fellow Gabe Hodgkins helped lead the solidarity efforts of the Student Labor Action Movement (SLAM). Our annual community meeting focused on the HUDS strike, where we were honored to hear from three HUDS workers, Aaron Ducket, Annabella Pappas, and Chris Pappas, as well as from Brian Lang, President of Local 26. We collected almost $400 for the HUDS strike assistance fund. NE JLC Board Co-Chair Don Siegel wrote a letter for The Harvard Crimson in support of the strike.
Save Our Public Schools: No On 2
On November 8, Massachusetts voters decisively chose to keep the cap on charter schools in Massachusetts by voting no on question two by a margin of 62.1% to 37.9%. Congratulations to everyone who worked tirelessly to keep money in our public schools! We won this victory by bringing together teachers, parents, students, unions, and community allies to fight privatization efforts from big-money and out of state donors. The NE JLC endorsed the No On 2: Save Our Public Schools effort in August, participated in canvassing throughout the campaign, and engaged in visibility efforts during the election.
SEIU 32BJ Janitors' Master Contract
SEIU 32BJ represents 13,000 janitors who work under one collectively bargaining master contract. These janitors maintain buildings across Massachusetts and Rhode Island, including the John Hancock, Prudential Tower, Vertex and Biogen, State Street buildings. On Friday, September 30, 2016, 32BJ reached a tentative agreement on the master contract and members are currently voting on its ratification. The new contract provides a 12% increase in wages over the life of the contract, expands employer-paid healthcare to family members of full-time employees, and creates more opportunities for full-time work.The JLC is proud to have participated in many ways in this campaign, from marching with janitors to calling for a fair contract as part of the larger faith community. Sixteen rabbis signed the faith statement as they prepared for Rosh Hashanah.32BJ janitors continue to negotiate their contracts at Tufts University and Harvard University.
Domestic Workers Bill of Rights
The New England Jewish Labor Committee worked with the Massachusetts Coalition for Domestic Workers to pass the Massachusetts Domestic Workers Bill of Rights on July 2, 2014, which establishes basic workplace rights for nannies, housekeepers, and caregivers employed in private homes. The bill requires employers of domestic workers to provide their employees with one day off a week, sick and vacation days, and protection from discrimination and sexual harassment. Previously, domestic workers lacked legal protections and avenues to report workplace mistreatment.The NE JLC mobilized people to go the State House to advocate for the DWBR, organized living room talks to raise awareness of conditions for domestic workers among those who employ them, and spoke about the DWBR at several synagogues. Through the advocacy of the NE JLC, the Somerville Board of Alderman voted unanimously to support the DWBR.Other members of the Massachusetts Coalition for Domestic Workers include the Brazilian Immigrant Center, Women’s Institute for Leadership Development, Dominican Development Center, Brazilian Women’s Group/Vida Verde Coop, and Matahari: Eye of the credit:
MA Coalition for Domestic Workers
Verizon Strike
On April 13, 2016 nearly 40,000 Verizon workers went on strike. We “adopted” a Verizon store and mobilized people in the Jewish community to picket outside every week; and we attended large demonstrations. After 45 days and with strong support from groups like the JLC, Verizon workers settled their contract on June 1. The new contract is a great victory: Veriozon withdrew its proposed cuts to accident and disability benefits as well as to pensions, and workers’ won increases in their wages and benefits. The contract stopped proposed job cuts and added 70 new Verizon Wireless retail store workers who had not been previously covered by a collectively bargained agreement.
Minimum Wage in Massachusetts
The NE JLC has been a member of the Raise-Up Massachusetts Coalition that works to improve working conditions for low-income workers. The NE JLC collected signatures for two ballot initiatives: The first was to increase the minimum wage and to establish earned sick days. NE JLC successfully organized synagogues to collect signatures. The minimum wage bill will not go to ballot because Raise Up Massachusetts pressured the legislature to pass a minimum wage bill. The minimum wage will be raised from $8.00 to $11.00 in the next two and a half years. The bill was sign into law on June 26, 2014.The JLC continued to be an active member of Raise Up Massachusetts as the coalition fought for $15 minimum wage and Paid Family & Medical Leave, which were adopted into law during the summer of 2018. Check out our page on Raise Up for more info about this win!