Last Tuesday, June 13, the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development heard testimony about the paid family and medical leave bill supported by the Raise Up Massachusetts coalition. The next day, in a special Constitutional Convention, State Senators and Representatives debated and voted on the merits of putting the Fair Share Amendment on the 2018 ballot.
Paid Family and Medical Leave
Raise Up Massachusetts had a powerful presence at the paid family and medical leave hearing; we demonstrated broad support for this legislation. Hundreds of coalition members packed the hearing room and over 60 people shared their personal stories of needing to take leave from work to welcome a new child, to take care of their health, or to aid a sick family member.

During the hearing, parents spoke passionately about the need for this legislation. Low-wage workers shared how they were forced to return to work right after a medical crisis and families shared how they often needed to forgo a critical source of income to care for family members struggling with illness or injury. Small business owners told the legislators that providing paid leave is the right thing to do, and countered the narrative that it's bad for business. Doctors testified to the importance of family support for sick children's health outcomes.
Click here to read our tweets of highlights of the hearing. 

We must keep these stories on the minds of our legislators and make
Paid Family and Medical Leave a priority in the state house.
Fair Share Amendment
At the Constitutional Convention on Wednesday, the Massachusetts Legislature advanced the Fair Share Amendment to the 2018 ballot!
In 2015, we collected 157,000 signatures from voters like you to qualify the Fair Share Amendment for the 2018 ballot. In 2016, we won the first legislative vote necessary to advance the amendment. Last week, an overwhelming majority of legislators voted to advance the amendment to the ballot by a margin of 154 to 55. Now, the voters get to decide if Massachusetts will invest in transportation and public education - we think the answer will be a resounding yes!

Please email us if you want to get involved in the campaign to win paid family and medical leave, the Fight for $15, and the Fair Share Amendment. We look forward to your engagement.